Day 2:  Beyond the Basics - Unveiling Powerful Linux Commands

Day 2: Beyond the Basics - Unveiling Powerful Linux Commands

Continuing my DevOps refresh! Today, we're diving deeper into Linux commands.

While staple commands are readily available online, I'll be focusing on some hidden gems


File and Directory Handling:

  • tree - Shows a visual tree-like representation of the directory structure.

  • stat filename - Displays detailed information about a file, including permissions, size, timestamps, inode, blocks, links, and owner.

  • du -h directory - Estimates disk usage of a directory and its contents in a human-readable format.

  • find . -name "*.txt" -type f -exec grep -l "pattern" {} ; - Finds all .txt files containing a specific pattern and prints their names.

  • ln -s source_file link_name - Creates a symbolic link to a file (like a shortcut).

  • touch filename - Creates an empty file or updates the timestamp of an existing one.

Searching and Viewing Data:

  • tail -f filename - Continuously displays the last lines of a growing file (useful for logs).

  • less filename - Views a file interactively with pagination and search capabilities.

  • grep "pattern" filename - Searches for a pattern within a file and prints matching lines.

  • awk '{print $2, $4}' filename - Processes a file by fields and extracts desired information.

  • sed 's/old/new/g' filename - Performs text replacement within a file (e.g., for substitutions).

System Information and Monitoring:

  • top - Displays real-time information about running processes and resource usage.

  • htop - An enhanced version of top with a visual interface and more interactive features.

  • free - Shows available and used memory in the system.

  • df -h - Shows disk usage and free space for mounted filesystems.

  • ps -aux - Lists information about all running processes.

Network Troubleshooting:

  • ping hostname - Checks connectivity to a remote host by sending ICMP echo requests.

  • traceroute hostname - Traces the path taken by packets to reach a remote host, identifying network hops.

  • netstat -tulpn - Lists active network connections and listening ports.

  • dig - Queries DNS information for a domain.

Text Manipulation and File Editing:

  • sort filename - Sorts lines of a text file alphabetically or numerically.

  • uniq filename - Removes duplicate lines from a text file.

  • head filename - Prints the first few lines of a file.

  • tail filename - Prints the last few lines of a file.

  • tee filename - Redirects output to both a file and the terminal.

Stay tuned for these lesser-known powerhouses in my blog post, and feel free to share your favorite under-appreciated commands in the comments below!